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Trio Kenwood TR 9000G, Bekas, terawat dan berfungsi normal, eks amatir japan
- Frekuensi: 140 s/d 149Mhz (open);
- Output power: Low 5watt / High 20 watt
- Tulisan panel depan utuh (original),cat seluruhnya original
- Cat cover body seluruhnya original
- Internal original dan bersih, cpu normal, display bening segar, final M57713 genuine
- Dilengkapi hand michrophone Trio original, DC cord dan bracket mobil, bracket stainles..., layak dikoleksi..sold.. berminat silahkan call/sms/wa 087738063007, terimakasih..
Automatic antenna tuner AT 500,eks amatir jepang, maksimal power 500
watt, 1000w pep untuk HF All band general coverage...berfungsi normal,
mesin mulus original, silahkan cek kenampakan foto foto terlampir,
kategori mulus luar dalam.. maaf sold, wa/sms/call 087738063007, terimakasih
Icom AT-500 is an
automatic external antenna tuner for 160 through 10 meters. Specific
frequency range is: 1.8-2, 3.5-4, 7-7.3, 10-10.5, 14-14.5, 18-18.5,
21-21.5 and 28-30 MHz. Power capacity is 500 watts continuous, 1000
watts PEP. Impedance matching is 16.7 to 150 ohms to 50 ohms resistive.
Minimum tune up power is 50 watts. The top panel access cover opens for
adjustments for the Auto/Tune Preset switches, preset timers and Preset
Indicators. The AT-500 rear panel features one input SO-239 jack and
four output SO-239 coaxial antenna jacks. Tune-up time is typically 4 to
7 seconds (3 seconds on the same band). The power requirement is 13.8
Daiwa antenna tuner CNW 419, untuk band 3,5 - 30 mhz, berfungsi normal kapasitas maksimal 500w pep, komponen internal original, bersih dan rapi, eksternal seperti pada foto, jarum cross nodle bergerak lancar, akurat...sold sms/call/wa 087738063007, terimakasih..
radio HF Icom M700, berfungsi normal, lengkap hand mic original, rx bagus, tx 150watt, dc cord disambung langsung, internal komponen original bersih, cover depan original, tutup atas bawah repaint..h 2,95 jt berminat silahkan sms/wa/call 087738063007, terimakasih..